Tiktok, Trump and Microsoft (or is that Twitter) plus some SeaQuest!
So we are back with Episode 2 of The Weekly Tech Rant and once again Karl and I cover the latest tech stories from the week. We talk about the ongoing challenges in our homelabs and our regular feature on what games and TV/Films which have piqued our interest this week!
This week we covered:
- Intel breach? Was it a hack or did someone internally leak the data to the swiss researcher who published it?
- The TikTok Executive order and is the app really as bad as it appears (Elliot Alderson investigates)?
- Hardspace: Shipbreaker – its addictive spaceship scrap metal business!
- Proxmox – GPU passthrough – why do we want to do this? Challenges and Quadro vs GeForce cards – or even AMD!
- Thoughts on iOS 14 so far!
- Google kills off the Pixel 4 and XL already! Pixel 4a Incoming – first thoughts?
- Android 11 beta 3 drops and GA isn’t that far off now
- Lower Decks episode 1 has dropped but no UK release yet?
- What have we been watching – I’ve been watching SeaQuest DSV again!
Plus something we plan to cover next week: DCS: Dynamic Campaign Engine
Enjoy and as always please let us know what you think in the comments.