Weekly Tech Rant: Episode 1

Welcome to the Weekly Tech Rant and its a Heatwave!

After some inspiration listening to some (much better) podcasts and vlogs (namely Troy Hunts Weekly Updates), I decided it was time to give it a go.

Aided or should that be supported by my excellent co-host and great friend Mr Karl Pilkington Seaton, episode 1: Heatwave is now up for your audible pleasure. It’s a little rough around the edges but I promise to improve this in future recordings.

I’ve used Anchor to edit and publish the podcast. I wanted something easy to use and this fitted the bill quite well. It also means I can add sponsorship in the future if I wanted – assuming this works out and that people listen!

So what is this all about – well its two guys who work in Tech having a chat about things that have interested them this week and other topical subjects.

This week we cover:

Enjoy and as always please let me know what you think in the comments.

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